Welcome to ClarusEd.com, the website and portal for the Clarus Institute and our learning platforms!

Discover our FRAMEWORKS and what we are about below…

Our Frameworks

Click on the picture links below to discover more about the learning and professional development frameworks we offer!

For professionals who mentor, train, teach and lead others.

For people to DISCOVER HOW to become “the active creative force of their worlds”

For teams and communities of people within dynamic business and organisational environments.

About Us…

There are so many things that we can set about learning and so many reasons to pursue an increase in knowledge or ability…current personal needs…emerging community or business needs…economic and societal change…global awareness and responsibility to the future.

Clarus Institute has been established to facilitate people acquiring new capabilities and skills to increase their capacity within their current situation, and to help position themselves for the opportunities they see emerging in their future pathway.

Our vision is to be a Principle-Centered, Innovative, Globally-Aware, Transformative Partner with people on their learning journey and to help them

“Discover How

How to Learn

To know more about how our minds and mental processes work; use that understanding to “learn how to learn“, whilst you acquire the skills and knowledge that our frameworks and courses provide the opportunity to acquire.

How to Serve

We integrate Serve Others First Teaching in the daily responsibilities of our vocations, into our framework and course delivery. This is a foundational pillar of Clarus Institute and our ‘Ground-Up’ approach to working with people is present in all our frameworks, coaching and mentoring processes.

How to Teach

You can learn how to move beyond dictating instructions of what needs to be done, which purely focuses on the technical understanding of what you do. Our frameworks will help you discover how to become your learners’ BEST TEACHER, by embodying their potential to acquire principles, virtues and purpose, as they develop their vocational skills.

How to Lead

We believe that leadership can only be truly measured in the hearts of those who follow.

Through reflective practice, we advocate that an increase in self-awareness, self-management, awareness of others and inter-relational capabilities, is the only way to increase capacity to “lead”

  • the depth to which I notice and reflect, on every choice I make ‘today’, as I live, serve and teach,

  • the integrity I foster in accounting for how the lessons from today, will better the way I approach tomorrow.

If people follow my example, and the effect on their lives over time is positive…that is the only true evidence of the quality of my leadership.