
Increasing the Capabilities of Teachers in Industry

A comprehensive framework for leaders, professional educators and workplace trainers, to become highly effective, transformational teachers within their industry, business or organisations.

If we want to improve outcomes for our learners, we must start with Great Teaching…

…and Great Teachers are Always Learning!

Some of the primary objectives of the framework include:

  • Increasing the capabilities and confidence of trainers and educators

  • Increase work satisfaction and therefore retention of trainers and educators

  • Increasing completion and retention rates in trainees, apprentices and interns

  • Creating conditions to facilitate improvements in key mental health and well-being indicators.

The Framework integrates educational methodology, strategies and techniques of Situated Teaching and Learning, best practices in Transformational Leadership, Growth Coaching and relational approaches into a Holistic, professional learning cycle.

Click the button to download our Summary PDF and find out more about how we can support effective learning partnerships in your team, business or organisation.